Room Occupiers helps you to sublet the property and to live in a shared apartment. Read the below details before deciding whether to sublet your apartment to live in a shared apartment.
Living with roommates can be an affordable way to live in popular cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai and Delhi. But there are some things that you should consider before agreeing.
Find Out Who’s Living There
Before you agree, make sure you know who will be living in the apartment. If you’re not comfortable sharing space with strangers, then you might want to think twice about moving into a shared apartment.
Ask About Their Habits
It’s also important to ask questions. Find out what kind of people live there now. Are they quiet or noisy? What do they eat for breakfast? How often do they clean up after themselves? These questions can help you decide whether you’d enjoy living with them.
See If They Have Any Pets
If you’re considering subleasing an apartment, make sure you check out the place first. Ask yourself these questions: Is it safe? Does it smell bad? Is it too small? Would you feel comfortable living there? If not, then maybe it’s not the right fit for you.
Check For Damage To The Property
It’s also important to check for damage to the property before signing any lease agreement. This includes checking for leaks, broken windows, and other signs of water damage.
Look At The Kitchen And Bathrooms
If there are any issues with the kitchen or bathrooms, make sure to address them before moving in. These rooms will likely be used more often than others, so it’s important to keep them clean and well maintained.