Below are some of the tips to follow to rent a room in Room Occupiers
Adding right pictures of the property while listing is very important to find someone to quickly occupy the room.
Below are some of the points someone can consider while adding the images in room occupiers
(i) Minimum dimensions of the images should be more than 350px (length) and 350px (height) to avoid blurring.
(ii) Minimum size of the images should not be more than 2 MB to avoid loading time.
(iii) Images that will be uploaded should give the complete visibility of the house or a flat.
Our form while listing a room contains all the important information in order to rent a room quickly and find the suitable flatmate.
(i) The description section in the form is used when someone wants to add more details about the property.
(ii) Avoid using the repeated information where other section in the form already contains. E.g. Do not give phone number, address etc., in the description section as you will anyway give in the other sections while filling the form.
(iii) The description section will make the interested ones to know more about the property before contacting.
(iv) Using bullet points and adding the information in simple language will make everyone understand about the property, room or other details easily.
Book an appointment
(i) Once the property is listed in our website along with the contact information, interested ones will start calling you.
(ii) We would always suggest booking your room only when someone visited your property and try to avoid booking a room through phone call.
(iii) Room Occupiers will reduce the gap in finding the suitable flatmate, but it is up to everyone’s choice in choosing the right one.
Manage listings
(i) This section in the menu will be visible only when someone submits any listing.
(ii) Manage listings is used to edit and delete the property at anytime as per the needs.
(iii) This will most likely be used when someone submits the form with missing information or provided incorrect information while listing the form.
(i) In case of any other queries on how to use the website more efficiently and rent out a room quickly, do not hesitate to contact us at contact@roomoccupiers.com
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